Jean-Louis Couturier wrote:

I'm sorry you feel that way. When I learned English, I found that there are
words, idioms and proverbs which do not exist in French and which communicate
ideas which simply did not exist for me previously. Not only is the reverse also
true, but learning _any_ language will result in a more comprehensive view of the
world. Syntax alone leads to associations between words, i.e. ideas, which
one could not have imagined before.

I agree with this. I took three years of French in HS and one of Spanish and the only regret I have is that I have not learned more. I think English is an excellent language (sans stupid spelling), but I think that there is much to appreciate in other languages. While I do find some of the efforts of the French to keep their language from being overly Anglicized overbearing at times, I can understand the pride they have for their culture. More power to them.



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