----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Sharkey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2003 9:20 AM
Subject: RE: A Problem For Conservatives

> Robert Seeberger wrote
> >http://www.newsmax.com/adv/poist.shtml
> >That conservatives tolerate, and even openly encourage such crap is
> >the main reason I would never vote republican.
> Pardon my ignorance, but who is Samuel Poist, and why do you think he
>speaks for all conservatives?

I dont think these morons speak for all conservatives. I think there is too
much tolerance for such idiocy within the conservative movement. In fact I
believe there should be quite a bit of intolerance for such crap displayed.

I would never accuse Gautam or JDG of following this crowd, but I think
Gautam and JDG are in the minority in this regard.

I suspect this evolves into a larger discussion of "Who speaks for

>  It *is* named an advertisement, though of course that may not be the
>truth.  I'm afraid I also know little about newsmax, though poking around
>their site a little does suggest a little about it.  Is it considered
>conservatism's voice on the 'net?

I've mentioned before that I enjoy listening to Conservative/Republican Talk
radio. Quite often the hosts read articles from Newsmax *verbatim*. It
becomes pretty obvious where they get their news. And it is also quite
obvious that even the "Ads" have infected the views they espouse.
Or pehaps i should say that their memes have been corrupted by this
Newsmax is pretty important. But then so is Matt Drudge. Of the two I find
Drudge to be more what I would prefer from a conservative voice. Another
contrast with Newsmax is Glen Beck who catagorizes looniness in its own
column, even though he doesnt specifically criticise it.

> A little background would certainly clear some things up, thanks!

If you can listen to talkradio during the day, listening to
http://www.950kprc.com/main.html would make my rant a bit clearer in the
long term. The morning guy, Pat Gray, angers me enormously because he is
exactly what I am ranting against. The afternoon guy, Chris Baker, is not as
bad and his show is actually enjoyable. The rest of their day is national
stuff, make of it what you will, and weekends are typically local interest

> And BTW, in the spirit of fairness, since atheists often say we can't
prove the existence of God, is it completely wrong to point out that
scientists can't prove the Big Bang?  I certainly don't agree with Mr.
Poist, but is it truly an unfair question?  I don't know that it is.

I think the lack of an alternate explanation with credible evidence to back
it up is telling. I'm not an athiest, though I find them agreeable, and I'm
not an agnostic, though I find them agreeable. What irks me are the
religious types (or even a-religious types) that seem to think that ancient
peoples knew more truths off the top of their heads than modern people do
after billions of man-hours of research.

So no, I dont think that is a fair question. Its like coming home after a
hard day at work and having your wife claim you did nothing all day.

Disagreeable Jerk Maru
(Thats Me)
You are a fluke of the universe.
You have no right to be here.
And whether you can hear it or not,
the universe is laughing behind your back.


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