Jim wrote:
> You and Adam make some fair points in that regard.  I was more
speaking from a philosophical standpoint than from one of having back
> up for your claims.  While you both point out some interesting
evidence, it doesn't amount to proof at this point.

There's proof and there's proof.  As Mr. Baker pointed out, the Big
Bang theory accounts for just about everything we've observed so far
(caveat mine, just in case) about the universe.  I'd say that, like
evolution, the Big Bang is proven to the point at which it's perverse
to argue that it didn't occur without something pretty impressive to
back up your claims.

> In regards to atheists being "agreeable," I am afraid I've found my
experiences with them to be far less so.  And perhaps it's a reaction
to > that.  For every one like Jeroen who merely allows his atheism to
be just one part of his whole, I've encountered several that act as if
it   > not only defines them, but also grant them an intelligence
tenfold beyond their peers.  That attitude could certainly, IMO, make
folks like > Mr. Poist posit reactionary rhetoric like the item you
pointed out.  Not that they're not probably already inclined to do so,
of course.

In any group, there's a huge range of individual attitudes.  I could
make a similar statement about christians, muslims, or Star Trek fans.
Especially Star Trek fans.

Adam C. Lipscomb
"Silence.  I am watching television."  - Spider Jerusalem


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