> Do you people really think so highly of yourselves that you can't be
> replaced?

No, but I know I'm the best there is at what I do, and I do ask for more
money than the average Joe makes becasuse of it. Still I don't make a
fraction of what Mr. Brown makes.  Yes, I can be replaced, but my
replacement wouldn't be cost effective, even if they get less.  That's why
I'm still in business.

Even so, if my customer really needs me, it would take a family emergancy
for me to tell them sorry.

One thing I've learned from service companies: there are two types of
nitches.  You can be a commodity company, or you can be a company that
commands a premium.  Mr. Brown commands a tremendous premium, so he has to
have an understanding of service that is better than mine, IMHO.
I think Mr. Brown proved himself to be 20 times smarter than his
> bosses and the bobbleheads on the other networks who dropped everything
> just to get their face time.

I can get a bobblehead for $3.95.  If that's all they are, why pay more
than minimum wage?

Dan M.
<crackle> We need an ego clean up on aisle 3 </crackle> This isn't about you. You and G need to stop projecting. This is one well paid guy who had a cool head about a situation none of us will ever be in.

I will not post anymore. If he is fired before his contract is up, or even if it is reported that he had to pay some kind of fine, either monetary or some other tangible price, then you win. If this never happens, then I'll drink a beer and not care.

Kevin T.
I'll drink a beer and not care anyway.
Joking about the ego. Trying to be funny We don't need emotes do we?
But this was fun.


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