On Wed, 19 Feb 2003, The Fool wrote:

> STII is..Moby Dick.

LOL!  I've read Moby Dick twice, sir, and STII is no Moby Dick.  :-)  It 
quotes Moby Dick, true.  "Plot by Ian Fleming, with additional dialogue by 
Dickens and Melville."
> What killed it was that it was never edited.  

I was speaking of the original TV series, theorizing that ratings were 
hurt in part by a lack of continuous human drama from week to week to 
attract the non-SF viewer.  (A lack of strong studio backing didn't 
exactly help, either.)

The first cut was the cut
> that played in theaters.  Those really long sequences of special effects,
> and nothing else.  Granted TMP had the best special effects of any of the
> movies up to ST6 ($100m in 1980 dollars worth).

Tastes will vary, I suppose.  The long effects sequeneces with brief 
reaction shots are better, for my money, than filling the script with 
endless mounds of babbling Treknology-speak in the manner of the ST:TNG 
and the spin-offs that followed.  Mainly because the effects sequences are 
*good* and the music is *good* and a story is told thereby.  Opera.

Marvin Long
Austin, Texas
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Poindexter & Ashcroft, LLP (Formerly the USA)



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