On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, Jose J. Ortiz-Carlo wrote:

> True. ST2 is Nick Meyer's interpretation of "Star Trek".  Remember that as 
> good as ST:TMP was, it didn't really do as well as the studio expected at 
> the box office. Therefore, they went along with Harve Bennet's view of 
> episodic television's "recipe for success".  In ST:TMP, the Enterprise is a 
> big, QE2 type of super-cruiser.  In ST2, Nick Meyer turns the Enterprise 
> basically into a WW2 submarine, and the fight in the Mutara Nebula is 
> arguably one of the best "submarine" space battles in movie history. 
> Cinefantastique called ST6's space battle "the best ever", but I think WoK 
> beats that.

I'd have to agree.  STII's space battles are etched into my brain.  All I 
remember of STVI's space battle is the purple blood in zero-G.
> A wise choice.  I bought the original DVD releases, and I'm finding myself 
> buying the new editions of the DVD's, though. So far, the only one's worth 
> the money, are ST:TMP with the restored footage and newly shot special fx. 
> WoK has some extra footage, but they stopped adding extra footage in STIII.  
> That disappointed me.

Well, I do have the special edition DVDs of STI & STII.  I attended a
lecture by Leonard Nimoy a few months ago at which a fan asked him about
the lack of new footage in STIII.  Nimoy grinned and replied that he got
the movie right the first time.

Marvin Long
Austin, Texas
Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Poindexter & Ashcroft, LLP (Formerly the USA)



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