"Miller, Jeffrey" wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Julia Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 09:03 AM
> > To: Killer Bs Discussion
> > Subject: Re: Death Penalty (Was: Re: EU Warns Iraq It Faces
> > 'Last Chance')
> >
> >
> >
> > potential juror (or, potential juror once her youngest child
> > is in school, anyway)
> What does it take to get called for duty?  I've been registered to vote
> in every place I've lived, but I've never been tapped to sit in the box. 
> Coworkers complain regularly about being called in - what gives? :)

I don't know.  I've been called in more often than some of my friends.  So
far, all that's happened is that I end up not actually sitting on a jury. 
The first time, I was part of a pool of 30-40 people, from which they picked
jurors and alternates, but I wasn't among them; the second time, it was just
a really bad week for me to be sitting on a jury, I explained why to the
judge, and he put me on the list of people to be released, rather than be
put in a pool; and the third time, I went in on Friday, got put in a pool to
be called back Monday, and on Monday, it turned out they had to postpone the
case, so the entire pool was released by 11AM (which was just as well, as
I'd gotten e-mail just before I left the house saying I had to go the
opposite direction to sign some forms *that day* to be faxed to someone in
Houston, and I had about $3000 riding on *that*).

My husband got called in three times as well, once in a different county,
though, and he sat on one jury.  It was something that probably ought to
have gone to small claims court, but the folks involved had the right to a
jury trial and took it.  (One kid backed a vehicle into another vehicle that
another kid was driving, and for some reason, the families couldn't work it
out between themselves....)


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