Kevin Tarr wrote:
> >  and the third time, I went in on Friday, got put in a pool to
> >be called back Monday, and on Monday, it turned out they had to postpone the
> >case, so the entire pool was released by 11AM (which was just as well, as
> >I'd gotten e-mail just before I left the house saying I had to go the
> >opposite direction to sign some forms *that day* to be faxed to someone in
> >Houston, and I had about $3000 riding on *that*).
> >         Julia
> Betting on the Rockets again?

Nah.  Although, come to think of it, it *was* basketball season.

No, I had the right to stock options in a company that had been sold and was
being sold again, and the new company wanted to clear out everything -- no
transferring stock to new stock, just cold, hard cash.  So there were some
forms I had to sign regarding that.  And due to the half-assedness of the
folks at the company that had made the original purchase, we wouldn't find
out about some things until a week or two after we should have been
informed.  :P


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