Saddam Hussein denied his al-Samoud missiles were in violation of U.N.
mandates and indicated he will resist demands that he destroy them. He also
challenged President Bush to a live broadcast debate on the looming war.

The al-Samoud 2 is at the heart of this week's dispute with the U.N. weapons
inspectors. Chief inspector Hans Blix told Iraq it has until the end of the
week to begin destroying the missiles. But the Iraqis have always said they
don't violate the range limits placed on Iraq by U.N. resolutions.

But is the al-Samoud proper?

Saddam's response: "We do not have missiles that go beyond the proscribed
range." He thereby strongly indicated Iraq would resist efforts to begin the
destruction of the missiles as demanded by U.N. inspectors.

The three-hour interview with Rather was Saddam's first with an American
journalist in a decade. The interview covered a lot of ground: what Saddam
thinks about the American public, about Osama bin Laden, the Iraqi people,
the dangers empires have historically faced in the Mideast - and whether or
not he is prepared to die fighting or would leave his country.

Portions of the interview will air Tuesday on The Early Show and the CBS
Evening News, and on a special edition of 60 Minutes II on Wednesday night
at 9 pm EST, 8 pm CT.

On another front, Saddam had a surprising proposal for President Bush. He's
challenging the president of the United States to join him in a live radio
and television satellite linkup and debate the need for war before the
entire world.

"I am ready," said the Iraqi president, "to conduct a direct dialogue with
your president. I will say what I want and he will say what he wants."

"This will be an opportunity for him, if he's committed to war, this will be
an opportunity to convince the world."

Iraqi officials have repeatedly noted the size and strength of the anti-war
demonstrations that occurred ten days ago. They are certain they have an
audience for the proposed debate.

"This is something proposed in earnest," Saddam said, "out of my respect for
the people of the United States and my respect for the people of Iraq and
the people of the world. I call for this because war is not a joke."

"As leaders," the Iraqi president said to his American counterpart, "Why
don't we use this opportunity?"

The White House clearly regards the debate offer as a ridiculous stalling
attempt by Saddam. Spokesman Ari Fleischer told CBS News Correspondent Mark
Knoller that it's "not a serious statement."

"This is not about a debate," Fleischer said. "This is about disarmament and
complying with the world's instructions that Iraq disarm."

As for Saddam's denial of possession weapons of mass destruction, Fleischer
said Saddam "is not facing reality on the issue of the al-Samoud missiles,
why would his other statements have creditability?"

Iraq has until the end of the week to begin destroying the missiles,
components and other related systems. If it fails to do so, that could give
impetus to a draft U.N. resolution submitted Monday by the United States,
Britain and Spain that would pave the way for war.

Rather says Saddam insisted in the interview that all the missiles he has,
including the advanced al-Samouds, are within the limits set by the United
Nations. "It's Saddam's contention, and he's sticking with it, that he's not
going to destroy those missiles, not even going to promise to destroy them,
because they are within U.N. guidelines.

Rather says he thinks Saddam knows that the time for the invasion is very

"He takes seriously what President Bush has been saying and he made it clear
in the interview that he's prepared as he can get," Rather said.

While he says Saddam didn't describe war with the U.S. as "inevitable," it's
very clear that he does expect war.

"He's hoping somehow, some way, that it doesn't happen," says Rather, "but
he certainly expects it - and very soon unless something dramatic changes."

Coming Attractions Maru
My love and I, we escaped, we left no trace
For they had raped both body and soul ...
The taste was much too hard to swallow,
We ran naked through the cold ...
Above our heads, in fiery red,
The clouds, they bled like open wounds across the sky ...
The wings of many nations, falling, burning, turning,
Trying oh, so hard to die ...
 Oh, oh, oh, oh, there's Panic in the World ...


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