Somebody wrote:
> > >Anyone want to comment here on APL?

Someone else replied:
> "Concise," is how I have heard it described.

And someone else said:

Ronn! responded:
But that's part of its appeal: to be able to write a working program which on paper looks like what would result if a cat walked across the math department's secretary's typewriter keyboard while she had the Symbol ball installed, or at best a typical page out of Whitehead and Russell's _Principia Mathematica_. IOW, one that no one else could possibly understand . . .


I still think that a non-English speaker would have a better shot at deciphering APL than, say, Pascal. Or at least APL would be equally indecipherable to speakers of any language :-)

Reggie Bautista
Smiley Not Snipped Maru

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