At 09:13 3-3-2003 -0800, Gautam Mukunda wrote:

> Gautam, please limit yourself to *facts*, and leave out the right-wing
> extremist propaganda. Contrary to what Bush & Co. want to believe,
> being anti-war does NOT equal being pro-Saddam. People in the anti-war
> movement don't like Saddam Hussein any more than you do -- we just
> don't believe that an all-out war is the proper way to deal with the
> situation.

Really? Were there any condemnations of the Iraqi government at the protests you went to? Any marches on the Iraqi embassy? Any demands to free political prisoners, stop the use of torture, hold free elections? No? I'll go one better - go look up International ANSWER and there position on Saddam and see if "pro-Saddam" isn't an accurate description of their beliefs. Since they were the chief organizers of the march...

In case you hadn't noticed, there have been anti-war demonstrations all over the world. I doubt that ANSWER has been organising all those demonstrations. Also, the fact that ANSWER organised anti-war demonstrations in the US doesn't mean that all those people who walked in those marches are card-carrying members of ANSWER.

Or do you really believe that all those hundreds of thousands of protesters around the world all are 100% in agreement with whatever ANSWER believe in?

If conservatives marched in a rally organized by the KKK it would be a major news brief and everyone involved would be condemned as a racist, and rightfully so. Since the "war protesters" were marching in something organized by ANSWER, and (even mroe) showed no interest in or concern for the people of Iraq either before, or in fact during, the protests - well, if the shoe fits...

Do you let JDG write your posts for you? The huge over-generalisation certainly makes it look that way...

Again, marching in a demonstration organised by ANSWER doesn't mean that all those protesters support all of ANSWER's views. Do all members of the Republican Party support everything in the GOP program?

As for "war-protesters not showing any interest in or concern for the people of Iraq" -- where was the Bush regime's concern for the people of Iraq prior to 9/11? Exactly: nowhere.

Not that anyone in his/her right mind will believe that Bush is really concerned about the well-being of the Iraqi population...

Jeroen "Make love, not war" van Baardwijk

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