At 19:35 2003-03-09 -0500, John wrote:
Let's say that the US proposes a "League of Democracies", with membership
invitations extended to all members of NATO, all members of the EU
(including newly invited members), most of Latin America (except Cuba,
Venezuela, and a few others), Japan, Republic of Korea, Philippines,
Australia, New Zealand, India, and maybe a handfull of other countries.
Let's say that this League of Democracies then elects a "Democratic
Security Council", where the US is the only permanent member, and has a
veto power.

Would anyone else really show up?


Good right up to the veto. I suggest that members may elect not to participate in a particular action. That gives almost a veto to the US, but if the other members feel strongly about an issue, they still have the possibility to go at it without US forces.

All members should be permament and get to cast their vote.



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