-------Original Message-------
From: "J. van Baardwijk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Yeah, so? There were plenty of voices saying that war was a bad >idea. The Bush 
>regime decided to ignore those voices and set >the stage for war anyway. If the Bush 
>regime is foolish enough >to ignore good advice, it shouldn't complain about the 
>costs. >Basically, the principle at work here is the same as the one >behind "you do 
>the crime, you do the time".

Eh.... the UN authorized preparations for war under Resolution 1441.   

That is, it explicitly declared that failure to comply with Resolution 1441 would 
produce "serious consequences."   The US complied with resolution 1441 (which France 
ignored) by preparing to carry out these "serious consequences" 1441 was clearly 
authorizing.   Unfortunately, now we are being hosted by leagin the US troops prepared 
to carry out this resolution in the lurch in the Gulf.


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