--- Lalith Vipulananthan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Debbi wrote:
> > instead the reader is asked to
> > accept that a violent, brutal act is the first
> impulse of a "hero."  :P
> Well, this forms part of the fundamental reason why
> the first Covenant
> trilogy strays from the majority of fantasy and also
> why I like it so much:
> the fact that Covenant does *not* act like a hero.
> He refuses to believe
> that the Land is real, he refuses to act decisively
> on a number of
> occasions, he refuses to kill even to save himself,
> and he continuely
> insists that nothing he does matters *because* it's
> not real. Donaldson
> describes this at the start of _Lord Foul's Bane_ as
> 'the fundamental
> question of ethics'. Is the man who refuses to save
>something he believes is a dream, a coward, or a

But he could think and do (or not do) all those things
*without* having raped a girl.
> The key events of the trilogy all center around this
> one despicable act that
> Covenant carries out, and no one can really forsee
> the consequences that result, least of all him.
> I love these books and would recommend that you try
> them again. However, if
> you were that badly put off by the rape scene first
> time round, do you think
> the intervening years will make any difference to
> that reaction?

Doubtful, as since then I have dealt more with the
consequences of violence directed at women (eg.
beating, rape, physical isolation), and find
absolutely *no* "romantic" elements in forced sex.  (I
should add that I have also worked with a man who was
attacked as a pre-teen, and I find a male character
raping another man equally repugnant.)  

Now *seduction* is another matter entirely, and I'd be
flat lying if I said I didn't indulge in such
fantasies from time to time... ;}  But seduction is
about the seduced yielding to their own sexual
desires, while rape is forced or coerced sex, having
nothing to do with the rapee's desire.

I think that's one of the appealing features of some
of the modern vampires - you yearn to yield "to your
dark side," even though you know it's dangerous...

who BTW isn't an Ann Rice fan

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