Horn, John wrote:

(It's taken me a long time to get a chance to answer this one...)

Well it would help if I had referred to the right person. 8^)

It seems to me that 99 times out 100, when you see a swastica it is being used in either an anti-Semitic or racist manner and is being used to intimedate. Maybe it's just me, but I only see the American Nazi party or the KKK using symbols like that. And generally they aren't just critizing the government when they are doing it.

But in this case, the demonstrator was using the symbology to describe someone else. In the cases your referring to - the spray painting of a swastika on a synagogue for instance, the vandals are using the symbol to represent themselves. At least that's the way I see it.

Bush and Sharone are a lot of things but they aren't Nazis.

Of course not, the poster was obvious hyperbole, but not necessarily anti-Semitic.


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