On Fri, 21 Mar 2003 08:43:10 +0100, Jean-Marc Chaton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

* S.V. van Baardwijk-Holten [Wed, 19/03/2003 at 21:41 +0100]
Btw, anybody got a suggestion for a large ornamental plant? (around 1 to 1.5 m in hight would be nice) I'm building one very big plant container (using 4 palettes for sides) and I need something to display in it. The plant should be able to tolerate sun/drought and to some extent frost with on my account minimum effort for frost protection. I'm thinking perhaps a small fruit tree/bush but those are a lot of work and need lots of water. Perhaps something with palm type leaves?

Hortensias are quite resistant and dispalys enormous purple to rose flowers depending on the soil acidity.

Yes I thought about them. They look stunning. But unfortunatly they aren't very good for kids. Their sap can be a skin irritant.


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