> From: Dan Minette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > America just doesn't things like this.
> Like what?  Overthrow dictatorships that have invaded another 
> country and
> have the potential to destabilize the world?  What about the 
> Balkans?  That
> had no basis in UN resolutions at all.  Yes, France and 
> Germany supported
> our actions, but I'd argue that's becasue we were solving 
> their problem for them.
> I've understood and made arguements against going in now.  What's best
> overall is a difficult call, IMHO.  But, I cannot see 
> overthrowing Hussein as immoral.

Sorry, I didn't explain myself very well because I didn't want to repeat
what I had already posted a month or so ago.

I'm not saying this war is moral or immoral.  My point was that in the major
conflicts of the last 75 years or so (since WWI) the US hasn't started the
wars.  The "bad guys" did.  But the US got involved and finished it (well,
in most cases).  That's what makes me uncomfortable about invading Iraq: the
US definitely started this.  Sure, it was in response to Hussein's actions.
I'm not denying that.  But we fired the first shots.  In my (admittedly)
naive world view prior to 2 weeks ago, the United States didn't do that.

(I know the arguments that this is a continuation of what was started in
1991 but I'm not sure I buy that.)

However, Hussein has to go.  I've got no problem with that.  He's a bad guy.
And the world will be a better place without him.  (Which, hopefully, it
already is.  I think he's dead.  Or seriously injured.)  And the Iraqi
people will be better off without him.   It just makes me uncomfortable to
have to do it this way.

 - jmh

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