From: "J. van Baardwijk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: brin: the three laws of robotis are evil, why they must be eradicated
Date: Tue, 01 Apr 2003 22:34:01 +0200

At 13:24 31-03-03 -0800, David Brin wrote:

Perhaps, but then the laws are actually designed for a different
specific purpose, that is to prevent the robots from doing things
like killing all humans, or becoming bloody dictators.  The laws
are to protect humans, not to harm robots.

And my point is that this is the wrong approach. Once they become smart they will become lawyers and interpret the 'laws' any way they wish.

Oh well, in that case there is always the course of action that Shakespeare mentions in one of his plays (Henry VI, Part II, Act IV, Scene II)... <GRIN>

Nay, that I mean to do! Is not this a lamentable thing, that of the skin of an innocent lamb should be made parchment? That parchment, being scribbled over, should undo a man? Some say the bee stings but I say 'tis the bee's wax; for I did but seal once to a thing, and I was never mine own man since.

Know your classics, people!

Was in the play, and a few others, in high school and college. :-)

Jeroen "Shakespeare Rocks!" van Baardwijk

*grin* Jon

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