----- Original Message -----
From: "J. van Baardwijk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: SCOUTED: US Troops Fire at Civilians in Iraq

> At 22:49 02-04-2003 -0500, John Giorgis wrote:
> >Fifteen Iraqi civilians were packed inside the Toyota, officers said,
> >along with as many of their possessions as the jammed vehicle could
> >Ten of them, including five children who appeared to be under 5 years
> >were killed on the spot when the high-explosive rounds slammed into
> >target, Johnson's company reported. Of the five others, one man was so
> >severely injured that medics said he was not expected to live.
> One ICC trial, coming up...
> Jeroen "Justice be done" van Baardwijk

So, your view is that soldiers are required to let cars run checkpoints
after numerous car bombings?  Where is that under international law.

I'm thinking about writing Dutchbat and saying that I'm told by one of
their representatives that they feel that the US is legally forbidden from
defending themselves against cars that ram their checkpoints, and see if
your superiors agree with you.  It would be a good bit of clarification,
don't you think?

Dan M.


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