I wrote:
Lego people actually work amazingly well on hex maps.

Damon replied:
Haha, Reggie you hit on the antithesis of all that I am as a gamer and a hobbyist! :)

I am a very AVID and ACTIVE collector and PAINTER of figures...the idea of an unpainted figure (unless its a work in progress) is undesirable by me, and indeed nothing less than the right monster (character/prop) for the situation is acceptable.

When we're doing fantasy role-playing, we typically use miniatures that we (mostly my wife) painted, but as you or someone else stated, they don't make superhero miniatures in that scale (at least not that we've found), so for superhero roleplaying in Champions, we use the next best thing.

Here's my web gallery for a few Hundred Years War billmen I painted several years ago. I think my scanner is working again so I may scan up some of my War of the Roses foot knights later on to add to the page: www.geocities.com/garrand/geo/gallery.html

I had to go in through the link from your main url ...


... but nice paint job on the miniatures. I'll see if we can take some pictures and get some scans up of ours also.

Reggie Bautista

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