At 10:34 PM 5/28/2003 -0400, you wrote:
At 11:30 PM 5/27/2003 -0400, you wrote:
The Geek Test:

I ranked:
44.3787% - Major Geek


40.63116% - MG

Some made me laugh out loud.

They should have had subtraction questions(do you know sports or gone to a sporting event of your own free will, not to make someone happy or because you were in the band; have you had sex....with another person; know how to drive, a stick shift). Mine would be lower.

Not saying you can't be a geek if you know these things....

Kevin T. - VRWC
So you're a feminist..ain't that cute?

Replying to myself: I'm third highest on this list, and I don't consider myself a geek at all, and I doubt any real life friends would describe me that way.

From Chad: Or have you ever done programming through a "green screen" terminal?

I do that NOW.

Kevin T.
okay, it's an emulator....but still
Also if I go the way I'd like, I would have a dedicated terminal. But they have orange screens.
I'm only 15 years behind on my career path. if I only knew then what I know now....


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