You know, they included both Ausbergers and Dyslexic features in the test.

When I was in school their no one I knew had ever heard of Ausbergers, but
the "nerd"/"geek" clicks knew the differnece. Unfortunatly the words have
been flipped now thanks to movies like "Revenge of the Nurds", but the
pattern still holds. 

Back then, Geeks has Ausbergers perhaps along with ADD. They memorized and
clasified. They collected and catagorized. They obsessed about one thing or
another. Never understood "non verbal" comunication, but could "read" people,
if they were not involved in the conversation. 

The Nurds on the other hand were mostly Dyslexic. They could figure out
everything but had low recal of disjointed facts. Some of them has ausbergers
as well, many also ADD. Give these people a system and they would understand
and apply that system, but most would have dificulty with phenomes. They knew
exactly how say ATP synthasis worked, can see it in their heads, but couldn't
remember that it was called ATP synthasis.

Geeks won spelling Bs.
Nurds won science fair.
Geeks read books on all the monsters in D&D and could tell you which was
which and how many hit-points each could inflict.
Nurds read books on military tactics an attempted to apply them in D&D games.
Geeks used computers to search around and hack into places.
Nurds used computers to write simulations of things they were interested in.
Geeks wrote programs to catalog their colections.
Nurds wrote programs to analyze other programs.
Geeks dressed wierd becouse they didn't know any better. Maybe becouse they
were trying to look like Star Trek or Dr. Who. They could get "the look" but
they always did it too extreem.
Nurds dressed wierd becouse they wanted to. They knew they were standing out
and they wanted to see what reaction they would get.
Geeks could talk for hours about stuff they all knew about and had all
already memorized.
Nurds learned new systems and comunicated those to eachother. Sometimes
wheather anyone else cared or not.
Geeks got scared.
Nurds got angry.
Leave both alone when they are concentrating.

These goups hung out together, and would often use the talents of each group
as were needed. There were a lot of Geek girls with Nurd guys paired up. I
know most of my girlfriends were Geeks.

It was usualy the Geek guys and Nurd girls who didn' have girlfriends or

Anyway, the test is testing for both groups about equaly, or maybe leaning to
the Nurd side a bit. And like I said, I think most people use the terms in
the oposite way now, so you may need to switch geek and nurd for it to make sense.

               Jan William Coffey

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