In a message dated 6/19/2003 10:31:26 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 

> Well, I'm going to show my ignorance or my
>  Swiss-cheese-brain, and request enlightenment, O
>  Umbling Chimpanzee Fencer...  <grin>
>  Pitty Pitty Please? Maru  ;)

.......Recovering from being a melted pubddle on the floor.....

Well, when you put it that way.

The Ballad of Lost C'mell by Cordwainer Smith.

C'mell, being a cat human and a girlie-girl, wasn't supposed to fall in love 
with a human.

A bit hard to find in the used bookstores. Try the Best of, or a collection 
of animorphic SF.

A bit hard for me to understand in today's world.

Totally opposite from today's viewpoint. For Cordwainer Smith, if you looked 
like a human, and thought like a human, but did not have human genes, you 
could not be treated as a human.

If he wrote to be ironic, I think he won.

William Taylor
And don't say you're 
Swiss-cheese until you've
seen the movie Topsy-Turvey.

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