At 12:20 PM 6/30/2003 +1000, you wrote:
iaamoac wrote:

Well, it fell below replacement level only recently,
but it started falling a long time ago.
Secularism, however, is not nearly as pro-family. In particular, a hallmark of secularism is individualism - i.e. where one's one good is of primary importance. Children are often thought (pre-
parenthood) to be an obstacle to one's own happiness.
I wonder if the financial cost of raising a family of >2 kids is more in Europe than in the US? As much as housing costs have increased in the US, there has been comparable increases in the size of the average family home. In European cities, accomodation/shelter costs alone may be a stumbling block to many potential parents. In the past, it may have been acceptable to stay in the family home, but now every family unit wants their own housing, with 2.5 TVs, dishwasher and second car. The realtering of lifestyle is a big inhibition to many, but if extra costs are added above what US couples face, it may convince more couples to skip children, limit children to 1 or 2, or delay having children until too late.

Russell C.
who knows nothing about housing conditions in Southern Europe beyond what he sees on TV...

What do you mean by realtering of lifestyle?

It seems to me once you have a boy and a girl, the costs don't go up anymore.

Kevin T. - VRWC
want to say more, but time for sleep


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