From: "Reggie Bautista" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
John Horn replied:
<rant mode>
Does anyone else *HATE* these sorts of discussions as much as I do?  They
are so unbelievably pointless!

John, I have to respectfully disagree with you.

I usually enjoy discussions like this. You learn a lot about people, and to some extent, you get to experience the story from a new point of view.

Every reader brings his or her own unique viewpoint to a book, just as every actor brings his or her own unique insight into a character. Seeing what actor Erik would like to have play Tom (as a random example) gives me an insight into what Erik thought about the character Tom, and that might also make me think about Tom (and the book) from a somewhat different perspective.

You can learn a lot about a person by how they would cast a movie.

I agree with Reggie, for pretty much the same reasons. I don't think that
"casting" a novel is all that much more pointless than, say, discussing
how Glorfindel, killed in the Silmarillion, is alive and well to assist Frodo et al
on the way to Rivendell. Or, say, discussing the cover art on a Springsteen

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