At 11:22 PM 7/25/03 -0400, John D. Giorgis wrote:
At 08:09 AM 7/21/2003 -0700 Nick Arnett wrote:
>Perhaps we are at war, but under that definition, I'm having a very hard
>time imagining that we will ever NOT be at war.  We are not going to remove
>evil from the world, I'm quite sure.

Some likely conditions;
1) The establishment of a secure, viable and independent Palestine
alongside Israel.

2) Regime change in Iran, Syria, Lybia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the DPRK

>If this is not the future we want to create, then shouldn't we return to
>normal political discourse, in which one is not branded a traitor for
>questioning the leadership.  If we can't question and criticize our leaders
>today, what is going to change to allow us to question them tomorrow, or in
>20 years?

I don't think that we created the terrorist threat.....

Unfortunately, they (= the ones we call terrorists) do. They think they are defending their way of life against The Great Satan in the only way possible, given that The Great Satan is the world's only superpower and has overwhelming power both economically and militarily. We may not agree with that analysis or think that their way of life (keeping their populations subjugated in a culture which is several hundred years in the past) is worth defending, but that is how they feel.

--Ronn! :)

I always knew that I would see the first man on the Moon.
I never dreamed that I would see the last.
        --Dr. Jerry Pournelle


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