> From: John D. Giorgis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> At 01:23 PM 7/24/2003 -0500 The Fool wrote:
> >d989a69c518293a6&ei=5062&partner=GOOGLE
> >
> >Computer Voting Is Open to Easy Fraud, Experts Say By JOHN SCHWARTZ
> Wouldn't a fail-safe answer be to have each computer terminal print a
> "receipt" for each voter, which is then placed in a backup-system paper
> voting box?    These receipts could then be used for any official
> - or even frivolous recounts, which are billed to the challenging

Which is exactly the point I'm making.  Thes machine do not print or
other wise provide a paper trail, and republicans from several states
have crafted laws that prohibit the use of machines that provide paper
trails.  And some of these machines keep several accounting books, that
different programs access.  These machines were designed for fraud.


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