Robert Seeberger wrote:

> Insurance coverage takes a holiday
> If you doubt the veracity of all this, just try to buy life or disability
> insurance on a stay-at-home spouse.

We did.

Dan could get life insurance for me fairly cheaply through his job.  So
he did.  I'm not sure what I'm insured for, I just know it's at least
$100,000 and I believe it's not as much as $300,000.  (But then again,
where we can, we tend to self-insure, or take higher deductibles; the
exception on that is *his* life insurance, which is geared towards
paying off the house and letting me be home for kids without any income
for awhile, and then reduced income later.)

We could not buy disability insurance on me.  We tried.  I don't know if
it was state law or the insurance company, but I couldn't be insured for
disability.  So if something happens to me that doesn't kill me, we'll
be looking to friends and relatives for more help and spend less money
hiring people to do various things I'd otherwise do.


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