> Behalf Of Kevin Tarr
> Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 4:26 PM
> To: Killer Bs Discussion
> Subject: RE: Gray Davis Recall Election Set for Sep-Oct
> >A more accurate assessment seems to be that Enron used exorbitant,
> >unfair fees to blackmail California consumers and threatened to
> >power if they weren't paid.
> >
> > >From an article in the SF Chronicle, quoted on corpwatch.org:
> >http://www.corpwatch.org/news/PND.jsp?articleid=2530
> >
> >Jon
> Right, so the people who want to blame the current federal government
> are...surprise!...wrong.

No, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission under the Bush
administration tried to stop California from fighting Enron with price
caps and we can safely assume that this was in part because Enron was
lobbying the Bush administration to do so as reported in AP:
(http://www.nctimes.net/news/2002/20020131/53224.html) Consumers
definitely got screwed because of that and the general attitude at the
time from the administration seemed to be 'blame the victim', which was
simply inappropriate once the truth about Enron's business practices was
made public.  

Some googled sites: 


If this were a normal situation, price caps would have been a terrible
idea that would have made the situation worse over time.  Economists
publishing in Fortune, the National Review and the Wall Street Journal
all gave very clear and impassioned arguments as to why caps would
encourage corporate disinterest in increasing supply or making upgrades
to current equipment in CA.  But afaik, they did so before the truth
about Enron's price gouging was revealed.  Since Enron was deliberately
creating a crisis by boosting energy prices through the roof, price caps
weren't just appropriate in this case, they were an absolute necessity. 

> Kevin T. - VRWC
> but don't let that stop you

Don't worry, I won't. :-)

I'm curious about Brad DeLong's opinion on this.  Brad, you around?


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