> > From: Deborah Harrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > I didn't see anything about this [the attempt or
whatever to bodily remove some Democrat
Congresspersons from a Congressional library]; 
> > do you have an article or two?  Thanks.

Kneem and Julia, thanks for the links.

Not adult behavior, and foolish to boot, as well as
obstructionist and quite possibly illegal (but maybe 
just stupid?).
Thread cross-over: that dueling in the halls of
Congress is no longer acceptable behavior seems to go
along with the 'evolution of morality' - or at least
the evolution of *implementing* one's morals/ideals.*

What Once Was 'Normal' Is Now Abhorrent Maru

*Are ideals what one claims to believe as "the
highest", and morals how those beliefs are acted upon?
 Then ideals might be somewhat constant over time,
while morals change over the centuries.

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