> From: John D. Giorgis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> At 03:11 PM 7/24/2003 -0500 Horn, John wrote:
> >I don't know.  It is a scary proposition.  We cannot defeat 
> every terrorist in the world.  
> We cannot?   Then why is it that suicide bombing is almost unheard
> almost everywhere in the world?  It doesn't strike me that 
> this problem is necessarily pervasive in humanity at all.

Suicide bombing may not be terribly of but terrorism certainly
isn't.  Suicide bombing was almost unknown 20 years ago.  But now a
large number of people seem to think it is a good strategy.  Perhaps
it will spread.  Perhaps it won't.  (Personally, I think it is a
very bad strategy but obviously there are a number of people in the
Mid-East who would disagree.)

I'm not sure what you are getting at here.  Terrorism has existed
for recorded history.  Don't forget that when they win, terrorists
are called "freedom fighters" or "revolutionaries".

> >We cannot stop every rogue state that wants to build a nuke
> >or a biological bomb.  
> I disagree with this as well.   With intelligence, the US 
> armed forces are
> likely to be able to launch successful preemptive strikes against
> likely such rogue state for the next 100 years.

So, are you saying that this "war" is going to last 100 years?  I'm
not sure I like that idea...

 - jmh

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