On the subject, from Top Five today:

================================================================== Can I micro-size that for you? TOPFIVE.COM'S LITTLE FIVERS -- WORK http://www.topfive.com/fivers.shtml ==================================================================

Originally published September 4, 2002


      You know, it's the little differences. Like in Europe,
   do you know what they call Microsoft Word? Le Microsoft Word.
 And Internet Explorer is called a Royale with 128-bit encryption.

The Top 9 Differences Between Working at McDonald's and Working at Microsoft

9> McDonald's: Runs a promotional game based on Monopoly. Microsoft: Runs a monopoly.

  8> One is only interested in getting product to the customer
     quickly without regard to quality. The other sells hamburgers.

  7> McDonald's: Employs many 16-year-old female virgins.
     Microsoft:  Employs many 31-year-old male virgins.

  6> Products of Microsoft employees expedite delivery of
     computer viruses; at McDonald's, they stick to biological

  5> You take pride that the best-selling product at Microsoft has
     a higher nutritional value.

  4> McDonald's: "Do you want to super-size for an extra 59 cents?"
     Microsoft:  "Upgrade now for $129 or your software will stop

  3> After three years full-time with your burger buddies, how much
     are your stock options worth, fry boy?

  2> Microsoft:  Blue Screen of Death.
     McDonald's: Blank Face of Teen Apathy.

and the Number 1 Difference Between Working at McDonald's and Working at Microsoft...

1> McDonald's customers won't put up with bugs in their product.

               [   Copyright 2003 by Chris White    ]
               [       http://www.topfive.com       ]

================================================================== Selected from 21 submissions from 5 contributors. Today's Top 5 List authors are: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Kenn McCracken, Birmingham, AL -- 1 (Employee of the week!) James Knowles, Bellingham, WA -- 2, 7 William Wickart, Hillsboro, OR -- 3, 5, Banner Tag Peter Heltzer, Buffalo Grove, IL -- 4, 9 Richard W. Lipp, Lenexa, KS -- 6, 8 Emily Evans, Kansas City, MO -- Topic Wade Kwon, Birmingham, AL -- President & CEO

[                  TOPFIVE.COM'S LITTLE FIVERS                   ]
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