> From: Gautam Mukunda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> --- Kevin Tarr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Except, when a right winger makes an innocuous
> > statement and the left wing 
> > media huffs and puffs until they blow the  issue up
> > into whatever slight 
> > they feel gets them the best press.
> > 
> > Kevin T. - VRWC
> _Also_ when a right-winger - like Coulter or Robertson
> - says something offensive or insane, it's the _right_
> that goes after them.  Coulter has been attacked in
> National Review.  Andrew Sullivan led the attack on
> Pat Robertson.  The right at least makes some effort
> to reject its extremists.  Let's see Tom condemn Katha
> Pollit once in a while.

Who?  Never heard of him.  Coulter also gets super-star privledges on
faux news where extremist right-wing 'news' people defend her. 

> When Noam Chomsky says things equally bad - or worse -
> our liberal friends like Tom tell us that even
> criticizing them is censorship.


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