> > Let's see Tom condemn Katha
> > Pollit once in a while.
> >
> I'm not sure who she is, sorry.
> >
> > When Noam Chomsky says things equally bad - or worse -
> > our liberal friends like Tom tell us that even
> > criticizing them is censorship.
> >
> I haven't said anything about him here, and I don't have to please you, but I
> think he's an extremist and I definitely don't agree with much of what he
> writes.

I've spent time around people who think he is IT, and they're further
out to the left than Tom seems to be.  I haven't actually read anything
of his, just gotten various impressions from people around me who have,
and I'm not sure I want to spend much time reading him in the next, say,
5 years.

What Tom just said just reinforces that thought.


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