At 05:33 PM 8/2/03 -0500, Horn, John wrote:
> From: Jan Coffey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Loo-tin-at Ker-nal.

Ah, heck. I can't spell "Lt" either.

Unlike the old joke about "engineer", I never learned how to spell it correctly despite being one.

One of those words that I've
never been able to get down.  Kinda like caffeine,

I spell it


then I don't have to remember whether it's "ie" or "ei" . . .

vacuum and
torture.  (Spell check caught those!)

One of the results of writing religious satire has been that I finally learned how to spell "sacrilegious" correctly — i.e., *not* "sac-" + "religious — by reading the comments I receive in response to some of my submissions . . .


-- Ronn! :)


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