"Ronn!Blankenship" wrote:
> At 03:47 PM 8/5/03 -0500, Julia Thompson wrote:
> >"Ronn!Blankenship" wrote:
> > >
> > > At 05:15 PM 8/4/03 -0700, Chad Cooper wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > > >Wait a sec...
> > > >I see 50% of all automobiles with at least an American Flag decal, and a
> > > >fair percentage with an actual flag. Those that use the flag in hate are
> > > >such a small percentage, it probably can't be measured ...
> > >
> > > And so far, unlike the example of the Confederate flag in the school logo I
> > > mentioned I my reply to Ritu, I don't recall anyone being shot because he
> > > was driving down the street with an American flag on his vehicle.
> >
> >People opposed to the US flag may be less likely to own firearms than
> >people opposed to the Confedrate flag.
> I thought it was people who fly the Confederate flag who were more likely
> to not only own firearms but to have a rifle on a rack in the back window
> of their truck . . .
> I Can Say That Because I Live Here Maru

Well, the people who are going to have the strongest feelings one way or
the other about the Confederate flag are more likely to be in the south,
where general gun ownership is higher than it is in, say, the northeast.

If you took *everyone* in the US who have very negative feelings about
the US flag and calculated the percentage who own guns, I bet it would
be smaller than the percentage of gun-owners among those who have very
negative feelings about the Confederate flag.


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