Guatam wrote:
I don't doubt that Limbaugh makes mistakes.  He speaks
for, what, 2 hours a day, five days a week, 40+ weeks
a year, without a script?  _Of course_ he makes
mistakes.  I have a memory for policy minutiae that
verges on the photographic, and I make mistakes on
this list.  I shudder to think how many I would make
speaking as much as he does, without the chance to
Google for research.

I understand mis-stating something on the radio; I worked in radio for 5 years on-air, and another year volunteering as a producer and commercial coordinator for a local sports talkshow hosted by a couple of my friends. But go back to my post and take a good close look at the end of each of Limbaugh's comments. The ones that say "Ought to Be" and "Told You So" are from books.

He didn't have time to use Google when writing a book? How about he either didn't do the research or deliberately misrepresented the available research.

In short, he lied _in print_, for which there is no excuse.

Also, just for the record, while I lean liberal on more issues than I lean conservative, I also lean pretty strongly conservative on somethings and libertarian on others. You may or may not remember that I support the recent war in Iraq, although not for the same reasons as Bush. I'm not sure just exactly how you could characterize me as a knee-jerk leftie, as you did in your email. But I'll certainly give you the benefit of the doubt, you probably don't have time to read everything on this list, so you might have missed that.

Reggie Bautista

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