> Awhile back I picked up a book out of the Exchange bargain bin by Sarah
> Zettel, "The Quiet Invasion."  It is still in pile of to read books.  Has
> any one read anything by her.  Worth the effort?

I read her "Fool's War" which was okay. 

I met her years ago at MediaWest before she was first published. Nice young 
woman. She doesn't go to MediaWest anymore, now that she's a pro. But if anyone 
ever tries to argue that nobody ever turned pro by starting with writing 
fanfic, she's another disproof (Peter David, Susan Matthews, P. N. Elrod, a few 
others I know of).

Tom Beck


"I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never dreamed I'd see the 
last." - Dr Jerry Pournelle

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