"G. D. Akin" wrote:
> Horn, John wrote:
> > > (Unlike Delaney's _Dhalgren_, where by page 100 most
> > readers have given up
> > > and thrown the book away in disgust . . . )
> >
> > That would be me in that group.
> I've had that book on my to-be-read shelf for years.  And with
> reviews like that, it will probably stay there for years more!
> ------------------------------
> The day my wife-to-be said "yes" about 30 years ago, I started keeping a
> list of all the books I've read.  It was just something I started doing.  In
> all that time, I've finished everybook I've started except two.  "Dahlgren"
> is one and "Shardik" by Richard Adams is the other.

Still haven't gotten around to "Dhalgren" and I don't want to start into
anything that I don't have a good chance of finishing in 3 or 4 days at
this point, so I'm not going to attempt it anytime soon.  (Maybe not
even next year.)  But I did manage to get through "Shardik" in college. 
Not as good as "The Plague Dogs", and *that* wasn't as good as
"Watership Down".


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