Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Most Dangerous States
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 14:13:01 EDT

> Atr the same time Texas was trying to keep more freedoms New York was
> inacting more and more strict laws which, while reducing the crime rate,
> aslo
> affected the freedoms of the law abiding citizen.
Huh? When did New York become a "police state"?

I believe what Jan is referring to is that it is HARD to get a gun here. Obtaining a permit to legally carry as a civilian in NYC is next to impossible unless you're related to someone. It's almost as difficult to get one in the rest of the state too.

You won't hear me objecting, either. (Sorry Jan... we'll just have to agree to disagree.) :) I know how to load/aim/fire a rifle, shotgun, handgun and crossbow. I plan to teach my kids the same thing when they hit a certain age. But I won't allow firearms in my house.

At some point a few months back I posted info on NY's gun laws. If I have it archived and you'd like me to repost, let me know.


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