I wonder how this relates to neoteny:


>From childless fans of kiddie music to the grown-up readers of Harry
Potter, inner children are having fun all over. Whether they are buying
cars marketed to consumers half their age, dressing in baby-doll fashions
or bonding over games like Twister and kickball, a new breed of quasi
adult is co-opting the culture of children as never before. Most have
busy lives with adult responsibilities, respectable jobs and children of
their own. They are not stunted adolescents. They are something else:
grown-ups who cultivate juvenile tastes in products and entertainment.
Call them rejuveniles.

Celebrated by market researchers and fretted over by social scientists,
rejuveniles come in all ages but are mostly a product of the urban upper
classes (free time and disposable income being essential in their
lifestyle). Evidence of their presence is widespread. According to
Nielsen Media research, more adults 18 to 49 watch the Cartoon Network
than watch CNN. 


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