On Saturday, October 18, 2003, at 04:52 pm, Andrew Crystall wrote:

On 18 Oct 2003 at 9:48, William T Goodall wrote:

On Saturday, October 18, 2003, at 04:35 am, Doug Pensinger wrote:

So I'm assuming, after reading this:
http://www.pcworld.com/news/article/0,aid,112983,00.asp, that I
can't play tunes downloaded from ITunes on my Musicmatch jukebox?

So much for ITunes. 8^P

I think the idea is to use iTunes as the player instead of whatever inferior software you were previously hampered by :)

Except the iTunes software is BADLY inferior to a lot of the players out there which use deacent codec's. I've seen a waveform analysis, thanks.


William T Goodall
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"There's an old saying in Tennessee -- I know it's in Texas, probably in
Tennessee -- that says, fool me once, shame on -- shame on you. Fool me -- you can't get fooled again."
-George W. Bush, Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002


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