----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gautam Mukunda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 12, 2003 6:46 PM
Subject: Re: Empire Of Lies

> --- Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'll agree fully that the average person in Iraq is
> > better off now than a
> > year ago.  But, the overwhelming majority in Iraq
> > sees the US as an
> > occupier, not a liberator.  And, their opinion of
> > us, as measured in polls,
> > is rapidly deteriorating.
> > Dan M.
> Dan, I have to tell you that I frankly don't believe
> this.  As you know, I have personal reasons for
> keeping a _very_ close eye on the situation in Iraq,
> and I frankly don't trust the poll results that you
> reported - they don't agree with any other poll that
> I've seen, and they don't agree with the consensus of
> people on the ground whom I've spoken to either.

I've seen multiple polls that say variations on the same thing.  As it
stands, I've seen three polls that give consistent results: Gallup, Zogby,
and a poll conducted by the Iraqi Centre for Research and Strategic

Which poll did you think was the bad one, or are all three bad?  Which
polls are the good ones.

I don't doubt that you know more people there, but I have one question
about them.  How many of them are there as part of the provisional
authority and how many are there with other independent agencies.  The
reason I ask is that I believe that there is a cultural tendency in the
middle east to tell a guest what you think they want to hear....especially
if that person is more powerful than you.

Even if the poll by the centre for Research and Strategic Studies is
miscalibrated, I have a hard time understanding why the shift it shows is

I would like to have it shown that I'm wrong here, because it would be
better for us if I am.  In order to do that, I'd like to see

1) The other polls
2) Why the techniques of the other polls are superior to those I've seen.

Dan M.


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