Dan Minette wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Sonja van Baardwijk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 4:12 AM
Subject: Re: Explanation

Doug Pensinger wrote:

For the information of those who haven't been on the list for very
long, or who might not understand even though they have, the reason I
do not respond to JDG is that he and I have had several less than
civilized encounters and I decided after the last one (over a year
ago) that the list would be better off if we did not interact.

This is not an entirely selfless act as the aforementioned encounters
tend to be unpleasant and stressfull and I'd just as soon do without
even if it means missing a spirited debate (which I enjoy).

Well you've got my support and I have to say that I do the same. My
debate encounters with JDG (and strangly enough only with JDG) have not
been exactly civilised in the past either. And for that I am truly
sorry. But by now I've been ignoring him for a long time and it works
for me. Let me assure you that you get used to it even if you mis out on
a couple of debates. :o) Ever since I got the 'you are a nazi' as well
as a couple of other even less flattering insults from him I didn't see
any point in continued debate on his pet peeves over and over again. I
hold to the viewpoint that we oldtimers by now know where we stand. That
doesn't mean that I'd not be happy to discuss old enraging topics again
with others though. ;o)

I've noticed a rather interesting asymmetry. People on the list who are religious are expected to regularly read posts that proclaim them evil, mentally defective, etc. and let the insults just slide off their backs. People who are criticized by conservatives like JDG have the right to be indignant.

I have no trouble with anyone deciding to killfile someone, ignore their
posts, etc. That's perfectly reasonable. But, its funny that even the
religious people expect that they should take regular insults with good
grace, while less insulting things written by JDG are the grounds for
righteous indignation.

It's not the enragement or the indignation I have a problem with. Indignation about a subjects shows strong feelings. Usually this is a good thing. It makes one think about how one feels about a certain subject and why. It's the being called names that makes it uninteresting. I still have a couple of apologies coming from JDG for being called a nazi (for me the worst possible insult) after bringing up severall subjects that went against his world view but that were eventually proven true. It's his callousness with those insults and his inabillity to live and let live that makes it for me uninteresting.

I HAVE NO KILLFILE. The first one saying I have a killfile ... will ... be ... eh ... smothered in ...eh ... chocolate sause. ;o)

ROU: Perceptions of asymmetry in insults are probably incorrect due to interference of the personal point of view.


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