John!  Where have you been? :)

Speaking of The Economist, anyone read Foreign Policy?

> First, I hope that it is self-evident to everyone here that 
> when Mr. Hoh writes that the US has moved from being the most 
> visible supporter of international human rights to, and I 
> quote, "its most visible outlier" - he is clearly lacking in 
> all credibility as a sincere appraiser of the
> situation.    In a world population by such nations as the DPRK, the
> People's Republic of China, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Libyan Arab 
> Jamahiriya, Turkmenistan, and Zimbabwe - to call *the United 
> States* the most visible human rights outlier should leave 
> everyone absolutely speechless.

Word, although when I read it, I certainly didn't think he was including those, but 
using some unfortunate hyperbole to describe our shift to the outside of Western 


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