In a message dated 12/31/2003 6:07:05 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> I was originally upset when I heard the Scouring was not only not in the
> movie, but not even filmed.  That part of the books is one
> of my very favorites

I am glad they removed the scouring. I thought it was a stupid anti-climax in the book. Hell they have beaten Sauron and the hobbits are the heroes of middle earth. How could they not get rid of Saurimon and his henchmen? It is also an incredibly heavy handed anti-industrial screed. I know that this is the subtext of the book but it can be ignored if one chooses to.

I'm with George - I like the scouring a lot and don't find it anti-climactic. To me, the SotS does two cool things:
1) It really highlights how much Frodo & pals have changed over the course of the story. They are not even close to being the same people they were before they left.
2) They solve the problem themselves, using their own leadership and courage, and facing down their enemy. That's the crux of it. They could *easily* have withdrawn, gotten word to Gandalf, Elrond, Aragorn or even Eomer and had a large army ride in to get rid of the bad guys (or maybe Gandalf himself do it). Heck, those guys would be *obligated* to provide that kind of help if asked for it, given the hobbit's contributions! Instead, they choose to handle it themselves, despite the very real danger: while they *are* the heroes of middle earth, no one in the Shire really knew/cared about that, and that fact alone certainly wouldn't solve the problem for them, or prevent Saruman's much-larger men from trying to kill them. To me, the hobbits prove themselves and how far they've grown, by making this choice.

The anti-industrial angle doesn't bother me at all. It's a running theme that Saruman is a spoiler of nature, so it's no surprise he'd do the same to the Shire. But then, The Lorax is one of my favorite stories, so maybe that disqualifies me from judgement on this.

Maybe Saruman was manufacturing thneeds in the Shire? Maru

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