Following several months of development by me and lots of testing by the members of the Wednesday chat brin-l-books is probably ready for you all to try :)

An interactive web site where you can view and vote on books. The initial lists are compiled from lists of award winning books, books mentioned on list, and recommendations from the testers on the Wednesday chat.

The site allows searching by author and category, and has a 'new books' feature for returning visitors that shows titles added since their last visit.

To initially register on the site you need to provide a working email address which is used to email you a URL for activation. To use the site you need to have cookies enabled on your browser (but you can clear them when you leave).

You can vote, or rate, the books from Useless to Essential and change (or remove entirely) your votes as often as you like. The number of voters and the average rating is given for each book so you can see which books are most popular among brin-l-ers.

Each book also has a purchase link that takes you directly to the page for that book. This is an affiliate link which means that I get a small commission if anyone buys through that link.

-- William T Goodall Mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web : Blog :

If you listen to a UNIX shell, can you hear the C?


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