> From: Reggie Bautista <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Trent Shipley asked:
> > What will be the tangible benefits from a manned mission to Mars?
> This is going to sound awfully pie-in-the-sky because, well, because it
> at least a little :-)
> We have to get off this planet.  We don't know when we might next be
hit by
> an asteroid like the one that killed off most of the dinosaurs.  If you
> think the human race is worth saving, then diversifying where we live
is of
> extreme importance.  Right now, all our eggs are in one basket.  And if
> want to take the really long-term view, eventually we have to get out
> this solar system.  You have to learn to crawl before you can walk, and
> have to learn to walk before you can run.  Sure it's going to be
> But if we don't start now, then when?

Or you could spend the projected 500billion on finding every asteroid and
comet in the entire solar system, and wait a few years until material
science advances enough to build a space elevator.


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