Various Terragen Confederation Territories by GIM Leasehold Type

I have altered the entry on Horst.  I no longer think SeJ's GURPS Uplift 2nd 
ed and the A4P Encyclopedia are incompatible.

An entry for Easter has been added.

Terragens have 10 colonies and their homeworld lease on Earth.  By Galactic 
standards Mars and Venus do not count as proper leaseholds so Humans have 
only 8 B or C grade leases, and of these three are only temporary leases.

Class A-:



Galactics regard the Human efforts to terraform Mars and Venus as folly.  Few 
Galactics would put more than a military outpost on a desert planet like Mars 
or a greenhouse planet like Venus.

Class A (terraforming candidate with some life present):

Humans have no Class A leases.

Class B (ecological remediation):


Before Contact Humans had established a few small outposts on Deemi and an 
orbital way-station.  Early Human explorers thought Deemi was too far gone to 
make a good colony.  Nevertheless, the GIM issued Humanity a Class T lease on 
Deemi.  This has since been converted to a Class B lease along with the 
obligation to provide a "refuge" for Uplift transportees.  


A planet where mulc spiders are found.  The presence of mulc spiders is 
testimony to how recently Dezni was returned to fallow.  That it is already 
candidate for ecological remediation indicates how badly its former tenants 
treated the world.   Otherwise, Dezni is in many ways a typical B grade 
planet.  It is the Terragen's second most recently awarded leasehold.  The 
small, young colony has been raided since the start the Streaker War, but the 
neither the colony nor the planet are worth much as either hostage or prizes 
in their own right.


Heavily damaged in the Buralli Holocaust, Garth is a poster child for the 
Institute of Migration's ecological remediation program.  It also exemplifies 
why most races are reluctant to take on the responsibility of a Class-B 
leasehold.  More than 50,000 years after the initial disaster Garth's ecology 
is still in free-fall.  Three island continents have been reduced to 
ecosystems based on lichen-like organisms and a handful of nearly microscopic 
insectoids.  Other land masses have kept more genetic diversity.  From a 
Terragen perspective the planet is even less promising since ocean chemistry 
precludes Neo-Dolphin colonization.  Nevertheless, Garth was a moderately 
important Human colony prior to the Gubru invasion, and promises to be even 
more important in the aftermath.


Horst was badly damaged in the Fututhoon aggression 50 million years ago and 
has not recovered on its own.  It is currently in an ice age, but is 
otherwise pretty typical for a B grade planet.  Like Deemi, Horst was settled 
before Contact, originally given a Class-T license, then upgraded to a 
Class-B license.  Horst is a cultural anthropologist's paradise.  Many of its 
inhabitants belong to small settlements with distinct cultures that have 
rejected modernity.  Some are actually technologically regressed societies.  
Just before the Tandu invasion a Rosh with two Kosh attendants was on an 
official GUI study mission to give Horst a special status as a redemption 
preserve.  The Tandu have been unable to account for the whereabouts of the 
august Retired member of Clan Tothtoon and his companions, who themselves 
enjoyed elder status.


Planet of song-birds, that will mimic any sound the settlers make.  Omnivarium 
is ecologically robust for a B grade world.  It has a strong agricultural 
sector and active exploitation of a local asteroid belt.  After Calafia, it 
is the largest extra-Solar Human colony.  This Human colony can probably 
defend itself in the present crisis.

Class C:


Calafia is Earth's only C Class leasehold.  It is unofficially regarded as a 
garden world, but with less than an ideal amount of dry land.  The lack of 
dry land was no obstacle for the Terragens.  It was expected that the 
Terragens would eventually petition to make Calafia the Neo-Dolphin 
homeworld.  However, Calafia was invaded by Brothers of the Night, and 
subsequently by Soro forces resulting in a nasty three-way war.  The future 
of Calafia is in doubt.



Earth is the Human homeworld.  It is a garden world extraordinare and the 
genetic treasure trove of the Galaxies.

Class T:

Class T leases are interim leases granted as an extension when tenants run 
late vacating a planet.  By the time of Contact Humans had established 
colonies on Atlast and NuDawn and an outpost on Deemi.  Shortly after the 
Library Institute granted Humanity a sealed Research Patent for Stellar 
Exploration, the Galactic Institute of Migration granted considerably 
leniency to Humanity and Clan Terragen by dropping all proceedings against 
Humans for Fallow Violations and granted Class T leases on Atlast, NuDawn, 
and Deemi.  The lease on Deemi has since been upgraded to a Class B lease. 


A rustic Human colony world located in the Tau Ceti system.  Atlast was 
discovered by Earth during its Bureaucracy.  Its first colonists were 
political transportees.  It is no accident that Atlast's capital city is 
named Gorky.  Many colonists on Atlast are members of anti-modernist or 
anti-technology groups such as the Amish.  Atlast has a reputation for 
liberalism bordering on xenophilia.  It also boasts one of the premiere 
universities in Terragen space.  Atlast is only leased for only 6,000 
hab-years, in a compromise reached with the G.I.M.  (See also, "Lease of 
Atlast.")  Atlast is in located in the Ash.  It would not qualify for lease 
on Class C terms and the GIM is expected to convert its lease to Class B.


This planet in orbit around Alpha Centuri A is a particularly nasty ecological 
basket case.  It has a large Terragen military presence and an unusually high 
proportion of Neo-Chimp colonists.  The GIM hopes to convert the lease to 
Class-B, but the Terragens are holding out for Class-A terms.  Because Humans 
have a lot of political capital accumulated with the GIM, they are expected 
to get their Class-A lease. 

NuDawn (Mudaun in Gal-7): 

An Earth "colony."  Site of the notorious NuDawn Massacre.  Unlike Atlast, 
that was originally settled by political transportees, NuDawn was settled by 
Hero Technocrats favored by the Bureaucracy.  

A compromise, negotiated with the GIM 127 Earth Years after the Massacre, 
resulted in NuDawn being leased as a research park for low-technology, 
affordable bio-remediation.  (See also NuDawn Memorial Foundation for the 
Study of Alternative Methods in Bio-Remediation.)  The lease stipulated that 
several vast areas were to be left in various degrees of Fallow.  These are 
administered by the Terragen Confederation Park Service as either 
Confederation Natural Parklands, or as Wilderness Preserves. 

NuDawn has fewer sapient residents than any other Terragen colony.  All 
indigenous manufacturing grossing more than 2^16 gal-coin per hab-year is 
located off-planet per GIM lease-hold agreement. 

Like Atlast, NuDawn is located in the Ash.  Unlike most planets in the Ash 
NuDawn is nearly ready to be released from Fallow as a planet that (barely) 
qualifies for a Class C lease.  Ecological recovery has been spotty, however.  
Some biomes stand to benefit from moderate environmental remediation.  
Because the Human Infestation of this desirable planet was so scandalous, 
Terragens will never be granted a full leasehold on NuDawn.


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