Kevin Tarr wrote:
> I sent this e-mail last night, with the subject work e-mail
> Not about list e-mail, but general work e-mail. I got chastised by a boss
> because I was contacting a user using e-mail instead of calling directly.
> The text of the e-mail was about, drumroll, setting up a face to face
> meeting. I really felt like telling the boss to take a hike. His way
> mattered 20 years ago when you had to use a phone, but 70% of the time
> e-mail is appropriate.
> How do others feel? I know not all situations warrant it but if you have
> established that the receiver regularly checks e-mail and will respond,
> isn't e-mail okay?

Depends on the individual, actually.  If you have a relationship with
the person you're trying to contact, you should have already asked about
preferred method of contact.  And then go with that.  And if it's a
customer, and the customer has indicated that e-mail is the preferred
method of contact over phoning, you can tell that to the boss, and if
he's still not convinced and you can get away with it, just ask, "Isn't
the customer always right?"
> Kevin T. - VRWC
> Time for an indoor bike ride
> Ah, I sent it to the b-owner? Sorry about that.

Yeah, I meant to reply last night and ask if you'd meant to send it to
the list.  It got a little crazy here, though, and I didn't get to it. 
I'm sorry.


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